Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Edgar Allan Poe Public Art Project RFQ Deadline Aug. 15, 2011

CALL FOR ARTISTS: Request for Qualifications

DEADLINE: August 15, 2011

The Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston, Inc. (the Foundation), in coordination with the Boston Art Commission, seeks qualifications from artists, artisans and/or designers to develop public artwork(s) celebrating Poe and his creative work. The site is the Edgar Allan Poe Square, located in Boston, MA at the southeast corner of Boylston Street and Charles Street South and is a roughly triangular brick paved plaza of 1,700 square feet.

Poe was a master craftsman, a versatile writer, and is considered America’s first great literary critic. Additional information on the site, and on Poe, his achievements, and his ties to Boston, can be found on the Foundation's website.

BUDGET: Up to three artist/designer/teams will be paid an honorarium of $1,000 to develop and present site specific proposals. The Foundation proposes a budget of $100,000 for artwork(s) at Poe Square.

ELIGIBILITY: Artists, artisans, and/or designers must be at least 18 years old. Priority will be given to those who are not currently working on a public commission in the City of Boston or who have not had a public art commission over $100,000 installed in Boston within the last two years. There are no geographic limitations, however the Foundation cannot provide housing or transportation.

APPLICATION: Apply online with all materials submitted in digital format. Full RFQ and application through CaFE™. There is no fee to apply.

ARTIST NOTIFICATION: September 16, 2011 by e-mail

Please contact: Jean Mineo, Project Manager

E-mail: jeanmineo@aol.com

Tel: 508-242-9991

Full Call: https://www.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=707&sortby=fair_deadline&apply=yes

Boston Art Commission: http://www.publicartboston.com/

Edgar Allan Poe Foundation: http://www.poeboston.org/

Find the Foundation on Facebook

CaFE™: http://www.callforentry.org/

Monday, May 2, 2011

Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein at Verbier Sculpture Park

Boston Sculptors Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein selected to participate in the first high altitude Sculpture Park and Artist Residency in Verbier, Switzerland.

Go Tell It On The Mountain: Towards a New Monumentalism
Verbier 3-D Sculpture Park and Artist Residency

Verbier, Switzerland (May 1, 2011) - The 3-D Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of the first high altitude Sculpture Park and Artist Residency in Verbier. For five weeks, (May 21 – June 25, 2011) a roster of emerging and critically acclaimed Swiss and New York-based artists are invited to create a museum without walls.

The curatorial premise set by Paul Goodwin, Curator of Contemporary Art at Tate Britain, will present "GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN: TOWARDS A NEW MONUMENTALISM". Artists varying in disciplines are invited to create an individual, site-specific monumental sculpture for the Verbier 3-D Sculpture Park.

The Verbier 3-D Sculpture Park and Artist Residency proposes a new approach to public art and monumental sculpture based on ecological and social sustainability; awareness of global cross-cultural issues and local community engagement; and man’s relationship to the mountains.

The sculptures created in Verbier, will be exhibited 12 months, braving the four seasons at a high altitude of 2100 meters (6,800 feet), between Ruinettes and La Chaux. The Verbier 3-D Sculpture Park is free to the public and only accessible by foot, bike, skis or dogsled.

Free educational classes for local children between the ages of 5 to 12 years old will be offered in June, allowing the children to interact with international artists.

Juried by the 3-D Foundation Board of Advisors, participating artists include:
Will Ryman, Andy Moerlein, Kiki Thompson, Etienne Krähenbühl, Musa Hixson, Timothy Holmes, Donna Dodson, Gregory Coates and Sam Bassett.

The opening reception for the sculpture park will take place on June 25, kicking off with “Burning Mad,” a live performance piece where a sculpture is set on fire. In addition, ArtBattles will host one night of their European Tour in Verbier. New York painters, Lexi Bella and Sean Bono will battle two local Swiss artists, Gregory Corthay and Nicolas Constantin. (http://www.artbattles.com)

Renowned artist, Will Ryman will send a rose sculpture from his acclaimed installation, “The Roses,” currently exhibited on Park Avenue in New York City until May 31, 2011. The single rose, representing a gesture of friendship to the Swiss Alps, will be installed in Verbier and remain on display for three months, coinciding with the Verbier Festival. After Verbier, Ryman's sculpture will travel to Miami to be featured during Art Basel 2011.

Go Tell It On The Mountain: Towards A New Monumentalism, Verbier 3-D Sculpture Park and Artist Residency, is sponsored by The 3-D Foundation, la Commune de Bagnes, l’Etat du Valais: Etincelle, TeleVerbier, VERBIER St-Bernard and Atelier D’Architecture Christophe Corthay.

The 3-D Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, founded by New York-based artist Madeleine Paternot and Verbier-based sculptor Kiki Thompson. Its mission is to promote contemporary art and culture, to focus on nature and community and to provide educational workshops. <

For further information regarding the project and its featured artists, please contact Alaina Simone at